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In een oogwenk

22 June 2015
Door: Jeffrey Wijnberg

Een enkele vrouw is zich er van bewust. De meeste vrouwen hebben geen idee. Ik heb het over de overweldigende kracht die uitgaat van de vrouwelijke blik. Kijkt zij vol afkeuring, dan zal de man afdruipen, ergens achter een computerscherm verdwijnen om alleen maar weer tevoorschijn te komen als de kust veilig is.

Geeft de vrouw een liefdevolle knipoog, dan is de man als zachte klei in haar handen. Welnu. De vrijgezelle vrouw die deze zomer wel toe is aan een beetje mannelijke aandacht, kan het begin van een gesprek bijzonder gemakkelijk afdwingen. Die stoere vent in de trein of op het terras is op afstand te bedienen: één enkele oogwenk en hij zal niet anders kunnen dan naar jou toekomen. Mocht u niet erg goed kunnen knipogen met één oog dan is knipogen met beide ogen tegelijkertijd even krachtig, zo niet krachtiger. Mocht u ongeoefend zijn, dan is er niets op tegen om het knipogen uit te testen bij mannelijke vrienden en kennissen. Een snel knipoogje plus een bijbehorende glimlach zal onmiddellijk het enthousiasme aan de andere kant vergroten, waardoor enige gewenning kan plaatsvinden dat de man zo gemakkelijk te stimuleren valt. Vrouwen die zich al veel langer bewust zijn van hun aantrekkingskracht, gebruiken het oogcontact op natuurlijke wijze: knipoogje voor meer contact, zure blik voor een afwijzing. Mannen zijn zich, aan de andere kant, ook zelden bewust waarom ze zich wel of niet aangetrokken voelen tot een vrouw. Maar de praktijk laat aan duidelijkheid niets te wensen over: hij zal onmiddellijk in haar richting bewegen als zij hem toelacht en meteen rechtsomkeert maken als hij een blik van afkeuring ziet. Dit gegeven biedt ook mooi perspectief voor vrouwen die ontevreden zijn over hun verschijning in algemene zin; of ontevreden zijn over hun verschijning in specifieke zin zoals lichaamsgewicht, haardracht of neusgrootte. Wie tegemoetkomendheid uitstraalt met de ogen, zal de man zo verblinden dat hij de andere onvolkomenheden als volstrekt onbelangrijk zal ervaren. Overigens, ook in een bestaande relatie kan de vrouw, met één blik, haar partner aan- of uitzetten. Lacht zij de man knipogend toe, dan zal hij voor haar dansen, terwijl een kritische blik elke hersenactiviteit bij hem blokkeert.

Het is geen geheim dat mannen, in het vrije veld, graag naar vrouwen kijken. Dit doen zij vooral om hun geluk te beproeven; om beschikbaar te zijn voor die ene vrouw die hem een blik waardig gunt.


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    23/06/2016 06:25
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  • Original title: Wang Yi met with the Congress of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Koch < br > China News Agency, Washington, February 24 (Xinhua) - is an official visit to the United States Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi 24 on Capitol Hill in Washington meeting with the Congress of the United States Senate Foreign Relations committee chairman Koch, senior members of the democratic party card, Senator. <br> Wang Yi said that to maintain a healthy and stable development of Sino US relations conforms to the common interests of the two peoples and the international community. In the current international situation is undergoing complex and profound changes under the background of Sino US as two influential countries, enhance mutual understanding, is very important to maintain close cooperation. Wang Yi should be briefed on China's principled position on the South China Sea issue, stressed that maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea, maintaining the safety of navigation is consistent with their own interests and freedom of the South China sea. China is willing to on the basis of international law, including the "United Nations Convention on the law of the sea" consultations with relevant countries to resolve their differences, while China is also determined to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. In the history of the United States had the support of the China's claim of sovereignty over the Nansha Islands, now should be at least commitment to the sovereignty of Nansha dispute does not hold the position, and play a constructive role for peace and stability in the region. The <br> members said that the relationship between the United States and China is the most important foreign relations of the United states. Facing the challenges of today's world economic fluctuations, the threat of extremism and nuclear proliferation, the two sides have extensive common interests and concerns. The United States appreciated the great achievements of reform and development has made Chinese, believes that a strong China is not only conducive to Chinese, more conducive to the international community as a whole. Although the two sides in the South China Sea issues such as human rights, the existence of differences, but the two countries should keep closer cooperation to promote security and prosperity of the world. (end) <br>

    01/05/2016 16:57
    (8 jaren geleden)

  • Original title: Anqing Yixiu District Forestry Bureau, former director of check choose the country involved in corruption and < br > where newspaper Xinan evening news Anhui network reporter signed text, pictures and copyrights are the Xinan evening all arrested. Any media, websites or individuals without authorization shall not reprint, link, posted or copied in other ways:; has been authorized by the media, web site, when in use must indicate "source: Xinan evening news or Anhui network", and offenders will be prosecuted according to law legal liability. < br > Xinan evening news Anhui network (www.ahwang.cn) hearing Xinan evening news Anhui network reporter was informed on the 25th, Anqing Yixiu District People's Procuratorate recently legally on suspicion of embezzlement of Yixiu District, Anqing City Forestry Bureau, former director of the check choose the country submitted to arrest, the Anqing Municipal People's Procuratorate for examination and decision, has the selected search states to take coercive measures to arrest. < br > it is understood, in January 2016, Anqing City Yixiu District People's Procuratorate decided on suspicion of embezzlement check the Yixiu District, Anqing City Forestry Bureau, former director of the selected static and of country and Wang Wei Hong investigation. At present, the case is under further investigation. Xin'an Anhui evening news network reporter Jiang Liuqiao <br>

    01/05/2016 16:44
    (8 jaren geleden)

  • Original title: Xiangjiang District 4 projects started to focus Changsha added to Ningxiang Expressway <br> <br> Hunan District of Xiangjiang Yue Ning Avenue (Yuelu section) renderings. Yue Ning Road in Pingshan Town of Lei Feng, ending at Ningxiang county bus station and Ningxiang two ring road intersection, a total length of about 32.93km. <br> <br> February 24th, Hunan District of Xiangjiang Yue Ning Avenue (Yuelu section) officially started construction. Map / reporter Xie Changgui < br > Rednet Changsha, February 25 news (Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Zhao Jing) the West Bank of the Xiangjiang River and will add a beautiful landscape, people and more ecological oxygen rich as a good place for leisure. In February 24th, Yang Lake West Bank of Xiangjiang landscape engineering construction. < br > following the early successfully signed 56 projects, investment 700 million yuan, realize new investment "off to a good start", the Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province new key projects reopen them. On February 24, began to focus on the Xiangjiang River in Hunan district Yue Ning Road (Yuelu section), the West Bank of the Xiangjiang River landscape engineering Yang Lake, Haichang happy ocean park, Puren international medical town, four projects with a total investment of over 15 billion yuan. Hunan provincial government deputy secretary general, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee, Changsha Hunan Xiangjiang District Management Committee Director Guo Zhenggui attended. < br > the, Yue Ning Road (Yuelu section), Changsha Haichang happy ocean park two projects or January 25, Xiangjiang River area concentrated signing ceremony was officially reached a cooperation, just 30 days will complete the project started the preparatory work, smooth construction. < br > this year, Xiangjiang River area shop as a total row project 401, the infrastructure projects 225, 176 industry development projects, years is expected to completed an investment of 906.17 billion yuan, in which government investment 411.32 billion yuan social investment 494.85 billion yuan. < br > will focus on promoting the Xiangjiang River City of joy, Hunan Cultural Park, Meixi Lake International Culture and Art Center, China friendship brother (Changsha) film culture city as the representative of cultural tourism industry projects; on behalf of the science and technology research and development base in Central South University Science and Technology Park, Hunan University of science and Technology Park, Meixi Lake International R & D center, China (Hunan) colleges and universities science and technology achievement transformation and transaction services center; to IKEA, Zhuo Bogen, profit Plaza, the new Austrian gas such as the representative of the headquarters economic projects; in Changsha City hospital for women and children, Puren international medical city is on behalf of the international medical and health projects. Reporter Zhao < br > New < br > Changsha Ningxiang traffic capacity increase < br > newspaper Changsha News February 24, with Yue Ning Road (Yuelu section) officially started, Changsha City to Ningxiang will add a new fast track. < br > Yue Ning road starts from Lei Feng Pingshan Town, ended in Ningxiang County bus station and Ningxiang Second Ring Road intersection, a total distance of about 32.93km, which Yuelu section of the road originated from the high-tech zones and Yuelu District junction dragon house in the vicinity of the nest and terminated at calamus bridge near the village in Yuelu District and Ningxiang County border, long 17.448km, for highway and urban rapid road, design speed of 80km / h, roadbed width 28m. < br > project construction investment amounted to 11.7 billion yuan, the project is to strengthen Changsha City and Ningxiang County with a fast channel, province "1025" trunk road planning of major infrastructure projects, project to promote regional integration, optimize the road network structure, further improve the Changsha Ningxiang and direction of Yiyang intercity traffic capacity has important significance. < br > the project to take the implementation of PPP model, Hunan Xiangjiang River area as the first PPP project has on December 28, 2015 completed public bidding, bidding procedures, projects the company has founded, construction unit has admitted, for new infrastructure mode exploration new path, for PPP project construction of new experience, will create a demonstration project of area innovation investment mode and management mode. < br > create landscape < br > this summer to Ocean Lake to enjoy the "Baihua Yinjiang" and "blue pinnacle" < br > newspaper Changsha news to Gordon House Bridge is bounded, the West Bank of the Xiangjiang River ocean lake will build on the South and north sides of the different landscape. < br > according to reports, the West Bank of the Xiangjiang River landscape engineering Yang Lake, located in Yang Lake area Xiaoxiang Avenue (East) of the East, north of Jin Jiang River Bridge, South to heishipu bridge, east of the Xiangjiang River, 3.6 km journey, landscape area of 22 million square meters, with a total investment of 1.2 billion yuan, has completed construction and supervision of the tender, plans to in June 2016 full completion of construction. < br > engineering according to the level of the fourth generation of riverside sight belt to planning, renovation and upgrading on the basis of the original green, including landscape lighting, along architectural pieces, riding trails,. < br > project to Gordon House Bridge is bounded, the northern section of public leisure and sports activities, wetland experience three regions, in order to participate in the activities, pay attention to scenic belt and surrounding cities that scenery overlooking the effect of Bai Chau, and on the dike set plate for outdoor activities, strengthen the wind band is involved in the interaction function. < br > Southern divided into two areas of flowers, Yinjiang and blue pinnacle, to crest traffic tour view of the river main. Careful reconstruction of local node at the same time. < br > project is completed, will Ya River landscape belt, Yang Lake Wetland scenic area together, become Yang Lake area residents doorstep ecological oxygen rich Park, has become a symbol of Hedong District overlooking the West Bank of the Xiangjiang River landscape. Visiting the park < br > < br > 2018 in Changsha will be able to visit the ocean park < br > newspaper Changsha News Shanghai Disneyland will be opened, the envy of? In February 24th, Changsha Haichang happy Ocean Park has started. < br > Changsha Haichang happy ocean park by the Hunan Xiangjiang River Area Investment Group Co., Ltd., Hoi Chang (China) Co., Ltd., China Jingye Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. three units to jointly invest in the building. < br >, China Jingye is currently participating in the construction of Shanghai Disneyland project, is the only participated in Disney and Universal Studios, two of the world's largest top theme park construction general contracting enterprises. Hoi Chang (China) Co., Ltd. has industry-leading polar marine animal breeding technology and theme park construction, operation and management experience. At present, the sea Chang has been in the China chain store and franchise six polar oceans of the world. < br > Changsha Haichang happy ocean park is located in the Xiangjiang Joy City in the southwest corner, north to Tong Xi Road, west near the Pingtang Road, South Road, the governor, east of Huayi Brothers (Changsha) film culture city project, covers an area of 450 mu, with a total construction area of 10 million square meters. < br > with a total investment of about 20 billion yuan, is the integration of marine animals display and performance, large recreation facilities and multimedia recreation as a whole, following in the footsteps of Ocean Park Hong Kong, Zhuhai Changlong ocean Kingdom after the third marine theme park. < br > Changsha Haichang happy ocean park will be divided into four districts, undersea world, polar regions, temperate zone and tropical zone; a dolphin show field, gaiety theatre, sky theater, theme Cinema 4D, water stunts and other five performances field; equipped with a roller coaster, space shuttle, torrent Yong Jin, crazy submarine, double Trojan, water war, aqualoop, Dumbo, children's Carnival and other various mechanical amusement equipment, is expected to will in 2018 the Xiangjiang River City of joy and other items synchronization completed and put into operation. After the completion of the project is expected annual tourist reception capacity of about 300 million, will become an important force in Changsha, and even in a new cultural tourism business and domestic theme park area. < br > built hospital < br > Puren international medical town in Meixi Lake start < br > newspaper Changsha News February 24, international Puren medical city in Meixi Lake International Metro officially started construction. The <br> international medical town planning area of about 1200 acres, the total investment of about 12 billion yuan. Puren group will cooperate with world class medical institutions, a comprehensive introduction of the most advanced hospital construction, advanced technology, management mode, experts etc. medical resources, "Department of medicine; raise Kang" five in one building in Asia and even the world's largest cancer treatment rehabilitation base. < br > project is divided into four period of construction, the first phase of the project the Curie (China) tumor hospital planning land about 333 acres, You Puren group and the French Marie Curie research, jointly build, including a comprehensive cancer hospital, four specialist center for tumor therapy and proton therapy center, is expected by the end of 2018 put into use. < br > in order to meet the demand for physicians, technicians, nursing professionals, Puren group will synchronize hospital construction and medical training, has formulated the batch went to France to study medical talents program ", by Puren group and the French Marie Curie research composed of professional personnel qualification group, the first selection of 50 in July this year, he went to France to study for two years, achievement qualification was awarded the degree certificate, and retained the Curie (China) tumor hospital work. < br > Puren group in cooperation with the Institut Curie full range, years will further and German health organization cooperation rehabilitation hospital and molecular pathology center, and MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA, Harvard Cancer Institute established strategic partnership, for international Puren medical city completed a comprehensive energy accumulation. <br>

    01/05/2016 16:20
    (8 jaren geleden)

  • Original title: the State Council "combination of boxing," promoting the new energy automotive industry upgrading < br > < br > 24, Premier Li Keqiang presided over the State Council executive meeting held, put forward to promote the formation of innovation platform of power battery, accelerate the charging facilities construction, expand urban public transportation and other fields of new energy automotive applications proportion and a series of policies and measures, designed to further support the development of new energy automotive industry, promote industry towards high-end. < br > conference pointed out that the development of new energy vehicles, to promote the industry towards high-end, is conducive to protecting and improving the environment, cultivate new kinetic energy of an important starting point, the development of the important content of the new economy. In recent years, in the national policy guidance and the efforts of all parties, the new energy vehicles in China has made remarkable achievements in the development and promotion, technical level, production and marketing of rapid growth. Next, to adhere to the market orientation and innovation driven, relying on public entrepreneurship, innovation and peoples, to overcome the core technology, break the bottleneck restricting the, accelerate the pace of development of new energy vehicles. < br > "short board" and "strong foundation" < br > from the conference release policy signal, overwhelmed by the State Council put forward the policies and measures of considerable practical targeted. These policies and measures in the "short board", "strong foundation", "expanding the market" and "quality", "cited funds" and other five aspects play "combination of boxing,". The first is to accelerate the implementation of <br> power battery revolutionary breakthrough. The meeting proposed that promote the big small and medium-sized enterprises, universities and research institutes form collaborative research, open sharing of power battery innovation platform such as, concentrated force on the key materials, battery system, common, basic technology research and development. The central government take Yijiangdaibu way, according to the battery performance, sales and other indicators of the enterprise reward. To increase battery digital manufacturing complete sets of equipment support. < br > "short board" move, China Automobile Industry Association executive vice president Dong Yang said that at present our car battery power and some developed countries have a generation apart, for China to gradually reach the average level of the world, need the joint development of materials, equipment, production, marketing and other parties. <br> two is a strong foundation". The meeting proposed to accelerate the charging infrastructure construction, clear responsibility, rights and interests of the local government, owners, developers, property and power grid enterprises, promote the implementation of residential district and the party and government organs, enterprises and institutions, the airport area and other public parking etc. construction of charging facilities. The central budget for investment and distribution network special financial bonds and other support around the construction of charging facilities, to encourage the establishment of local charging volume based reward subsidies, relief charge service fees. < br > Ministry vice minister Xin Guobin believes that the current necessary to to promote the construction of charging stations, strengthening technical research and development, the establishment of convenient, fast charging service network, we should also speed up the battery core parts maintenance system construction, exploration and scientific and effective business model, in order to adapt to the development of new energy vehicles. <br> auto industry analysts said in an interview with reporters, these two elements will promote the real technical and hard work of the enterprise, make effective policy landing, subsidies wisely. On battery power, is a breakthrough in the laboratory, the practical application of progress is very slow segments of the industry, the current domestic battery compared to Samsung, Panasonic and other international giants are still gaps, but also need to state support, the central government adopt to award on behalf of the complement will greatly promote the development of the power battery business. In accelerate the charging infrastructure construction, put forward to encourage the establishment of local to charge for the benchmark award subsidy policy helps to prevent the production of waste and the charging pile has not formed mature profit model of the status quo also guide. <br> "expanding the market" and "put quality" <br> addition, in expanding the market "and" quality ", the meeting proposed to expand the city bus, taxi, sanitation, logistics and other fields of application of new energy vehicle proportion. The central state organs, promote the application of new energy vehicles in the city government departments and public institutions to buy new energy vehicles equipped with updated accounting for the proportion of total vehicles will be increased to more than 50%. In addition, to improve the quality of new energy vehicle. Improve access standards, strengthen the quality and safety supervision, the development of new energy vehicles and networking, strengthen enterprise safety monitoring, production of new energy vehicles dynamic inspection, the establishment of punitive damages and the market exit mechanism. < br > Junsheng electronics Puri BMS sales director Tang Jiayi said future subsidies "backslide" will cause the reshuffle of the new energy automotive industry as a whole, the electric vehicle cost is still relatively high, mainly rely on subsidies to reduce the purchase cost, but the future of subsidies after the abolition of how to ensure the price advantage of new energy vehicles, is relying on the support of production. < br > "2014 is the first year of the new energy vehicle development, but the new energy automotive outbreak was in 2015, with the increase of yield, the quality problem of the new energy vehicles are also gradually emerging, which OEMs began slowly focus on how to enhance the vehicle's quality, which the number of leading enterprises in the industry is big opportunity." Tang Jiayi said. <br> in addition, the meeting also stressed to improve the financial subsidies and other support policies for new energy vehicles shall supervise the implementation of the limit line purchase requirements, to get rid of local protection against cheat up behavior. To establish a reasonable return on investment mechanism, encourage social capital to enter the charging facilities construction and operation, vehicle leasing, battery recycling services. < br > Gru Capital Partners Ye Yuhong said policy from "fill" change "the prize", indicating that China's new energy automotive industry from the "have" to "excellent" changes, industrial development began to differentiate, also shows that the industry has from the input into the honor, timely adjustment of policy helps to prevent vicious price competition and cheat fill phenomenon, end of the unified support of extensive development, effectively prevent the pains in the past solar industry capacity in the future. Such a policy can effectively accelerate the healthy development of the industry, but also can improve the competitiveness of high-quality companies in china. (reporter Wang Liwen) <br>

    01/05/2016 16:07
    (8 jaren geleden)

  • Original title: Phoenix: planning to build four major tourism products leading cultural tourism industry transformation and upgrading of net < br > Phoenix Station February 25 news (sub station reporter Tang Jinsheng February 23, reporters from the phoenix county office was informed, 2016 Phoenix will focus on building an international tourism destination and create a national 5A level scenic spot target, adhere to cultural tourism industry Xingxian, Fuxian, county strategy, focusing on creating four well-known international and domestic tourism products, to promote cultural tourism industry transformation and upgrading, bigger and stronger to do excellent cultural tourism leading industry, and strive to annual recieves a tourist to 13.8 million passengers, tourism revenue 11.5 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 15%, 15%. < br > Phoenix will vigorously implement the Tuojiang River upstream and downstream of the expansion project, construction of ten in the Tuojiang scenery belt; vigorously implement the South Mountain expansion project, construction of the Buddhist culture of famous mountains; vigorously implement the green city environmental beautification and purification engineering, promote the "castle peak hold city" project, the construction of forest city; force implementation project to protect the ancient city, strengthen the style of the ancient city of renovation and environmental governance, restored yamen Road station, do a good job of Mawangmiao, temple, such as cultural relics protection and restoration of, the protection of historical and cultural construction and celebrities, the Phoenix ancient city built profound international and domestic cultural heritage and strong competition in the historical and cultural city. Vigorously develop the Miao culture tour. In Bagong mountain area as the center, to promote the construction of the Miao Nationality Culture Museum, the implementation of protection of traditional villages throughout the county to promote the project, to create culture highland Miao, expand and enhance the Miao culture tour. Vigorously develop the battle culture tour. Speed up the Phoenix southwest military defense system to declare the world cultural heritage, depth development of yellowish filament bridge, Shu Jiatang, such as cents ancient castles, ancient barracks, expand and enhance the south of the great wall of soldiers, war culture tour. <br> at the same time, vigorously develop the leisure tourism in Fenghuang county. To construction domestic first-class leisure and tourism resort areas as the goal, and vigorously promote the phoenix international tourism resort development, the implementation of Liao Jia Qiao cultural tourism poverty alleviation Industrial Park, Auto Campground, tourism commodity processing Industrial Park, non Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Park, Long Tan Gang tourism channel and 42 km ring base Green Road project. <br>

    01/05/2016 15:56
    (8 jaren geleden)

  • Original title: Cai Chunlong research of Longshan grid social service management < br > < br > discussion will site Rednet Yongsan station February 25 news (correspondent Wu Donghui) on 24 February morning, Longshan County Party Committee Standing Committee, executive deputy magistrate Cai Chunlong, the Standing Committee of the county Party committee, county politics and Law Committee, the County Public Security Bureau long Pan Taibin, county government, deputy researcher Ye Yujing in-depth CAS street, county grid of social service management center, research of social governance and grid of social service management operation situation. < br > CAI Chunlong line has come to three chating, Nantai fort, the old city and other communities, inspected the community office space, community office personnel equipped to gang, and listened carefully to the person in charge of the community social governance, community mesh, grid, road street long equipped with and work responsibilities, relevant functional departments staff stationed in other conditions is introduced. In the county social service grid management center, Cai Chunlong listened carefully to the staff is building the grid center, command and control room big screen operation and the transfer of control situation etc.. <br> Research Forum, Cai Long pointed out that one should have a profound understanding to promote social service grid management development, to improve the level of social governance is of great significance. To quickly establish and improve the county, township (street), the village three linkage mechanism, build good levels of grid service management platform. The two is to support county and township (street) bridge of communication with the masses, extending the basic public service. The relevant departments to the production and life of the people most closely linked to the grid as soon as possible, social service management through the grid, the convenience of the masses. Three is to play grid length, long street road, gate long duty, enhance sense of responsibility, improve the service ability for the masses and initiative to resolve the jurisdiction of the grid in the contradictions and disputes. The four is to strengthen the organization of the examination, the county office to develop a detailed grid work assessment rules, promote the grid service management and carry out to create a new pattern of social governance, longshan. <br>

    01/05/2016 15:43
    (8 jaren geleden)

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