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Interview Coachinggids 2006

19 August 2006

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  • i know its an awful concept, but if you were to go at the begin of a work out, would it be secure to say that if you pushed yourself on them your grab would be blown for the day?


    sads fds
    16/04/2016 15:28
    (8 jaren geleden)

  • Last end of the week,National Group opponents,competed as a 77kg lifter,5 out of 6 increases,50-55x-57kg grab and 70-77-82kg clean and jerk,a 2 kilo pr from training.No movie clips from the grab but it went ok,probably could have done 60-65kg on the grab and 90kg on the jerk but let's see later,i'll contend on the Experts People.
    Remember,no instructor,just some guidelines,books and dvds.

    Mussi Dpa
    16/04/2016 12:34
    (8 jaren geleden)

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    14/04/2016 07:23
    (8 jaren geleden)

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    12/04/2016 13:24
    (8 jaren geleden)

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    (8 jaren geleden)

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    (8 jaren geleden)

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    02/04/2016 07:24
    (8 jaren geleden)

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    koi Mslah
    31/03/2016 07:31
    (8 jaren geleden)

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    Miss Droni
    30/03/2016 07:32
    (8 jaren geleden)

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    Claudia Archie
    29/03/2016 07:23
    (8 jaren geleden)

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