Hard werken loont. En wie ook nog met zijn inspanning en toewijding succes boekt, kan op applaus en promotie rekenen. Tenminste, zo wordt algemeen gedacht. De harde werkelijkheid is anders. De persoon met succes op zijn voorhoofd geschreven roept doorgaans zoveel jaloezie op, dat anderen niets liever zien dan dat hij ten onder gaat.
Dat is ook de reden waarom juist mislukkelingen mooie dingen stukmaken. In plaats van dat zij hun eigen prestaties verbeteren, halen zij liever een brave burger onderuit om zichzelf beter te voelen. Zo kan het gebeuren dat u vol goede moed aan een nieuwe klus begint en aanvankelijk door uw collega’s wordt aangemoedigd en ondersteund. De enthousiaste collegialiteit is, bij uw start, wel te verklaren: u weet nog zo weinig dat u de anderen nodig hebt om goed ingewerkt te raken; en zolang u een achterstand in kennis en ervaring hebt, kunnen uw collega’s dat wel waarderen. Tijdens de koffiepauze kunnen zij, in uw afwezigheid, nog met enige ontroering over u praten met teksten als ‘hij oogt wel onzeker, maar mooi dat hij er zo voor wil gaan’ of ‘sympathieke man, ook al heeft hij niet door waar het om gaat’. Vervolgens gooit u nog meer energie in uw werk en na een aantal maanden begint u een beetje op dreef te raken. Eerst zijn de resultaten bescheiden, maar al gauw is het eerste succes een feit. Zelfs het bedrijfsblad maakt er melding van. Tijdens uw eerste functioneringsgesprek is de sfeer gemoedelijk. Het hoofd van de afdeling geeft een positieve beoordeling, maar zegt op de valreep: punten van aandacht zijn 1) overmoed 2) een gebrek aan samenwerking 3) dominant gedrag tijdens werkbesprekingen. In plaats van dat u deze kritiek opvat als een voorbode van tegenwerking, doet u aan zelfreflectie en schaaft u aan uw sociale vaardigheden met het volgen van cursussen en een coachingstraject. Het resultaat is dat de successen zich aaneenrijgen, een gegeven dat maakt dat u steeds vaker voor spreekbeurten wordt gevraagd bij andere instellingen om uw werkwijze uit te leggen. Op het werk zelf merkt u gaandeweg een omslag in de houding van uw directe collega’s en nog meer bij de leidinggevenden. Tijdens vergaderingen worden uw vragen en opmerkingen genegeerd; en mensen die u anders altijd hartelijk groetten in het voorbijgaan, zijn druk in de weer met hun mobieltje als u een blik van verstandhouding probeert te vangen. Op een totaal onverwachts moment krijgt u thuis een brief met uw ontslag, met als reden: wegens bezuinigingen wordt uw functie opgeheven.
Hele succesvolle mensen starten uiteindelijk een eigen winkeltje, willen zij de saboteurs ontwijken. En dat is prima. Want terwijl de middelmaat aan kruisbestuiving doet, groeit er boven het maaiveld toch iets bijzonders.
Original title: Macao Daily News: port is located in the duty-free shop want to return goods of fertilizer and water when the self-improvement < br > < br > data figure: January 02, 2015,, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, during the new year's Day holiday, central China's first duty-free shops, optical valley bonded exhibition and Trade Center is Jibao. Photograph: CFP vision < br > China in Beijing on February 25, the State Council recently decided to add imported duty-free shops in Zhuhai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing and other places of the nineteen crossings, and reasonable to extend the tax-free varieties, increase a certain number of duty-free shopping amount. 25, Macao Daily editorial said, this is the country to promote the return of consumption of the latest action. Many of the domestic industry is facing overcapacity problem. If the outflow of fertilizer lead back to their own fields, not only can bring considerable income for domestic enterprises to the domestic economy is also a small boost. How to make the return of consumption trillion has been upgraded to the national level. <br> article excerpts are as follows: <br> buy burst in Japan and South Korea, Europe and the United States shopping spree. In recent years, Chinese overseas shopping enthusiasm. According to the national Ministry of Commerce statistics, last year China's outbound travel up to 1.2 billion people, consumption abroad (including travel, accommodation, shopping costs) up to 15000 billion yuan RMB, where at least 7000 to 8000 billion yuan is to be used for shopping. " Chinese outbound trips and consumption are listed first in the world. < br > wealth quality research institute according to the brand in the library of more than 20000 brand operating income is estimated that, last year, Chinese people bought 40% of the world six luxury, consumption amounted to $116.8 billion, of which $91 billion for overseas consumption, accounting for the total 70 eight. Monkey year the Spring Festival, Chinese people overseas cargo sweeping tide continued, 600 million outbound Chinese New Year Chinese tourists "brush" new record of consumption abroad 900 billion yuan. <br> in Japan, many businesses because Chinese burst buy "after a year of fertilizer. Chinese people in Japan have been panic buying goods from the smart toilet lid, a cooker, extended to cold medicine, children's sanitary napkins, stockings, condoms, nail clippers, insulation Cup, electric toothbrushes, pens and other daily necessities. Foreign <br> products by the Chinese people berserk, domestic similar products have a serious backlog. At present, many domestic China industry faces overcapacity problem. If the outflow of fertilizer lead back to their own fields, not only can bring considerable income for domestic enterprises to the domestic economy is also a small boost. How to make the return of consumption trillion has been upgraded to the national level. <br> since last year, the state issued a series of policies to promote the return of overseas consumption. For example, last year in June and December two lower import tariffs on clothing, skin care products, milk powder and other parts of daily consumer goods and clothing and other goods. Lowering tariffs have helped to reduce the price of the foreign products in China, and reduce the spread abroad, attract the people in domestic consumption and to China expand imports, reduce the trade surplus, to promote the development of commercial circulation and increase employment, and has positive significance. <br> but palliatives. <br> first, when domestic self-reliance. Mainland government at all levels and relevant departments to strengthen supply side reforms, such as deepening decentralization, to optimize business environment; continue to through the tax and fee reduction, reduce high-end manufacturing industry production costs; increase support for enterprise innovation, enhance the domestic commodity quality competition and price advantage; strengthening of industrial design, brand marketing, to promote the "made in China" to step on a new step. <br> then, for consumers in the domestic purchase of international products provide greater convenience. Can further reduce some products import tax and consumption tax, reduce logistics cost, reduce the spread abroad, and the need to build more duty-free shops, convenience of purchase international products. <br> also need to further purify the domestic consumption environment, establish and improve the social credit system, crack down on fake and shoddy products, so that consumers can rest assured consumption. <br> in addition, domestic and foreign tourists should offer more for duty-free shops, the tax rebate system, so that foreign tourists to China to more consumption, more convenient and cheaper consumption. <br>
01/05/2016 16:44
(9 jaren geleden)
Original title: new energy automotive industry won policy red < br > new energy automotive industry won a policy of red < br > charging facilities will meet the construction peak < br > Premier Li Keqiang on February 24, chaired a State Council executive meeting, decided to further support measures for the new energy automotive industry, to structure optimization to promote green development; deployed to strengthen the protection of cultural relics and rational utilization and cultural heritage root veins unite the national spirit. < br > conference pointed out that the development of new energy vehicles, to promote the industry towards high-end, is conducive to protecting and improving the environment, cultivate new kinetic energy of an important starting point, the development of the important content of the new economy. In recent years, in the national policy guidance and the efforts of all parties, the new energy vehicles in China has made remarkable achievements in the development and promotion, technical level, production and marketing of rapid growth. Next, to adhere to the market orientation and innovation driven, relying on public entrepreneurship, innovation and peoples, to overcome the core technology, break the bottleneck restricting the, accelerate the pace of development of new energy vehicles. <br> is a revolutionary breakthrough in accelerate the realization of power battery. To promote small and medium enterprises, universities, research institutes and other established collaborative innovation platform of power battery research, open sharing, concentrated force in the development of key materials, battery system, generality, technical basis. The central government take Yijiangdaibu way, according to the battery performance, sales and other indicators of the enterprise reward. To increase battery digital manufacturing complete sets of equipment support. Two is to accelerate the construction of charging infrastructure. Clear responsibility, rights and interests of the local government, owners, developers, property and power grid enterprises and promote the implementation of the residential district and the party and government organs, enterprises and institutions, the airport area and other public parking and charging facilities. The central budget for investment and distribution network special financial bonds and other support around the construction of charging facilities, to encourage the establishment of local charging volume based reward subsidies, relief charge service fees. The three is to expand the city bus, taxi, sanitation, logistics and other fields of application of new energy vehicle proportion. The central state organs, promote the application of new energy vehicles in the city government departments and public institutions to buy new energy vehicles equipped with updated accounting for the proportion of total vehicles will be increased to more than 50%. The four is to enhance the quality of new energy vehicle. Improve access standards, strengthen the quality and safety supervision, the development of new energy vehicles and networking, strengthen enterprise safety monitoring, production of new energy vehicles dynamic inspection, the establishment of punitive damages and the market exit mechanism. The five is to improve the financial subsidies and other support policies for new energy vehicles shall supervise the implementation of the limit line purchase requirements, to get rid of local protection against cheat up behavior. To establish a reasonable return on investment mechanism, encourage social capital to enter the charging facilities construction and operation, vehicle leasing, battery recycling services. The new energy vehicle coordination mechanism and to fulfill the duties of coordination office. <br> it is reported that this is the State Council executive meeting held in the near future, the third discuss issues related to the development of new energy automotive industry. Before two times respectively last year September 23, the State Council executive meeting of the deployment of accelerate the electric vehicle charging infrastructure and urban construction of the parking lot, and last September 29, the State Council executive meeting decided introduced a series of new energy vehicle support policies, such as requiring all localities are not allowed on the new energy vehicles implement limit line, purchase, support battery, fuel cell vehicles, such as R & D, to carry out intelligent wanglian auto pilot demonstration etc.. Soon after this, in order to implement the spirit of the State Council executive meeting, the general office of the State Council issued the "guiding opinions on accelerating the electric vehicle charging infrastructure construction". <br> analysts said, in January this year, the new energy vehicle production although the decline, but the growth in the long term trend remains unchanged. And the charging pile construction is an important part of the promotion of new energy vehicles, recent charging pile news keep pouring in, that markets around the construction of charging facilities is accelerating floor. The Agency predicted that by 2020 the charging pile can reach 100 billion yuan industrial scale. CCID Consulting Co., Ltd. research director Wu Hui said that from the point of view of the size of the market, the future of charging station estimates will be higher, revenue model will achieve innovation. The short term, China will usher in a charging station and charging pile construction peak. <br>
01/05/2016 15:43
(9 jaren geleden)
Original title: Anqing Yixiu District Forestry Bureau, former director of check choose the country involved in corruption and < br > where newspaper Xinan evening news Anhui network reporter signed text, pictures and copyrights are the Xinan evening all arrested. Any media, websites or individuals without authorization shall not reprint, link, posted or copied in other ways:; has been authorized by the media, web site, when in use must indicate "source: Xinan evening news or Anhui network", and offenders will be prosecuted according to law legal liability. < br > Xinan evening news Anhui network (www.ahwang.cn) hearing Xinan evening news Anhui network reporter was informed on the 25th, Anqing Yixiu District People's Procuratorate recently legally on suspicion of embezzlement of Yixiu District, Anqing City Forestry Bureau, former director of the check choose the country submitted to arrest, the Anqing Municipal People's Procuratorate for examination and decision, has the selected search states to take coercive measures to arrest. < br > it is understood, in January 2016, Anqing City Yixiu District People's Procuratorate decided on suspicion of embezzlement check the Yixiu District, Anqing City Forestry Bureau, former director of the selected static and of country and Wang Wei Hong investigation. At present, the case is under further investigation. Xin'an Anhui evening news network reporter Jiang Liuqiao <br>
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